Sunday, February 21, 2010

What we are currently up to:

EFFORT!! Our bulletin board states "What effort means to us" and has a column for math, L.A., S.S. and Spelling. Each week new examples of student work is displayed.

Social Studies = We will continue to use the Time For Kids magazines.

Spelling = We are now using the spelling words to write meaningful sentences. The students also will have the reporter in their team read some of their sentences to the class on Thursdays.

MATH = We are going to review how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and decimals. With a huge focus on long division of whole numbers and decimals. Then on 2-24 we will move on to percents.
TEAMS!! The students now have new seats and will be working in teams. Each student has
a job or two in their team and each team made a poster with their team name on it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Each student has chosen a famous African American and is doing a Social Studies paper on that person. They are using library books and the internet for their information. We had 40 min in class today 2/18/2010 to work on the assignment.

Starting on 2/19/2010 the students will be doing reports/a poster on Canada. Each of our 6 teams will choose a province of Canada and use library books and the internet to do their research. Each person in the team will have a different job. They will create a team poster
including information, a map and the flag of their province. We will also be learning how to cite our sources in a bibliography.