Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter Wonderland Fun!!

Happy Holidays!! We are going to be making cards using construction paper. Each card will have layers of cut out paper. In at least one spot on each card there needs to be three layers of paper. For example, the gingerbread man has the body, white part and then blue part for his eyes. The snowman has the same thing for eyes plus the body, hat and hat stripe. Each student will make a gingerbread man, snowman and reindeer. Then when done....they add the poem to the back, a message and the present!! The present is the poop!! Snowman=marshmallows, Gingerbread man=gum drops, Reindeer=chocolate chips. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our 6th Grade "Amazing Drought Stoppers!"

11-12-2009 SCIENCE

Friday, November 6, 2009

SCIENCE "The amazing Drought Stopper!"

We have been learning these keys terms in science: Model, System, Black Box, Conceptual, Physical, Collaboration and Consensus. Ask your student/tell your parents about our new system and what you are working on with your team!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parent Packets!

I am sending home parent packets with each student on Friday 10-23-2009. They include a parent letter that talks about what we are currently studying, grades and important upcoming information, a conference sign up sheet, your students current grades and all missing work or work that recieved a zero that your student needs to do. These packets with all work completed are DUE Monday the 26th!! Why??!!! We are getting caught up and organized for our.....

6th grade EFFORT class party!! Friday November 13th!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Auditions and Interviews

Every 5-6th grader stood up in front of the other 5-6th graders, teachers, and managers and recited their monologues and sang a song. They were outstanding! We are working on casting the play and organizing the crews according to how they did on their audition and interview. The cast and crews will be announced on Friday 10/9 at 2:15. The students will also be receiving a grade according to their interview score. Each student was interviewed by the manager of the crew they want to be in. Our play this year is Honk Jr. (circus style).

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Class Council = Interviews

We have class council meetings every Wednesday for 35 minutes at the end of the day. Today 9-16 after encouraging words and problem solving the students did a teamwork activity. They interviewed each other through asking questions and writing the responses. Eventually they will share with their teams and the class their information.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We started ART today!

The students took a Multiple Intelligence Inventory today composed of 8 categories of intelligence and 10 statements under each category. They marked the statements that applied to them. Then they added up their marks to get a total for each category. After that they multiplied that number by two. zTheir answer is how long, wide, or far apart their facial features must be drawn in centimeters to create their self-portraits.

**Please come to the Open House on Thursday September 24th to see their Self-Portraits!!**

Friday, September 4, 2009