Friday, May 21, 2010

Final Weeks of 6th Grade!!

We have many important things that are coming up soon!

  • Orkila Permissions slips are due by Wed 26th at the latest!
  • AVID applications are due asap
  • Friday the 28th $70.00 DUE for Orkila
  • Grades are cut off Friday the 28th
  • No school Monday the 31st
  • QAS tests for reading are this week
  • Orkila luggage is due Tuesday morning the 8th of June
  • Orkila = 9th-11th of June - Be here at 6:15 am!!
  • Monday 14th = Talent show and Picnic Day
  • Monday 14th egg drop project is due
  • Tuesday 15th = 9:30 egg drop, 1:00 and 7:00 Promotion
  • 16th = 1/2 day ...last day of 6th grade!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Art Auction Project!

The art auction is Friday May 7th!!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010


A list of some things that we will be doing: (1) New homeroom and math teams (2) Binders and supplies organized (3) We will fill out our planners each Monday morning (4) Grade sheets will be sent home on Mondays to be signed each week for a grade in L.A. (5) All students will stay after school each time they come without their homework completed, no exceptions (6)The blog is updated Sunday nights with homework assignments (7) We are starting right away with Essay writing in LA; TFK in S.S./with an at home connection; Circles in math; A new science kit; back to spelling packets and Meaningful sentences

Sunday, March 7, 2010


We made it through the conferences!!
March 24th-25th!!

If you did not attend a conference please make sure your student brought you a folder contaning the report card and other important information. Also, they were sent home with a folder of all of their work.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What we are currently up to:

EFFORT!! Our bulletin board states "What effort means to us" and has a column for math, L.A., S.S. and Spelling. Each week new examples of student work is displayed.

Social Studies = We will continue to use the Time For Kids magazines.

Spelling = We are now using the spelling words to write meaningful sentences. The students also will have the reporter in their team read some of their sentences to the class on Thursdays.

MATH = We are going to review how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and decimals. With a huge focus on long division of whole numbers and decimals. Then on 2-24 we will move on to percents.
TEAMS!! The students now have new seats and will be working in teams. Each student has
a job or two in their team and each team made a poster with their team name on it.